Which is the IBAN Account to pay the fee of the Expert Witness registered with the Local Office for
The account for the Witness Expert fee registered with the Local Property Valuation Office attached to the Court of Bucharest is:
- The fee can be paid (money order) in the following back account:
RO20CECEB50437RON0789413 – BENEFICIARY TRIBUNALUL BUCUREŞTI , VAT Code 4340633, opened with CEC BANK S.A. Lipscani Branch
- Fees transferred in cash to CEC in the following back account:
How long does an Assessing Property Valuation take?
Compared to the objectives set by the court, of complexity, of data amount required to be understood, analyzed and assessed, the Expert Witness Report can by filed by the Expert Witness with the court within a reasonable term of 7-10 calendar days following the date when all the documentation required to produce the report was obtained.
We obviously have to bear in mind that we work with the dates set by the court and which, if not complied with can result in legal fines, the expert appointed has to take measures in ensuring the speedy trial, however, without any compromise in terms of Witness Expert Report quality.
According to the Civil Procedure Code Article 336 (1), the Expert Witness Report will be filed at least 10 days prior to the court date.
How much is an Assessing Property Valuation?
We do not currently have an unified practice of the courts in terms of the Witness Experts’ fees.
Nevertheless, we do not currently have a list of fees either per case or per hour, usually, the fees set by the court are temporary, together with the Witness Expert Report or even before filling the Witness Expert Report, the expert files within the court an expense account detailing which is subject to approval by the court.
As a rule, temporary fees related to the Witness Expert Reports are set by the court, around 1,000-2,000 lei, the final fee of the Expert Witness Report being set following the approval of the court, according to the procedure previously mentioned.
Where can I have an Assessing Property Valuation carried out?
Usually, for the building under valuation, an inspection on the stop is required to understand all the characteristics of the appraised property.
There are exceptions when, compared to the objectives set by the court, the valuation of certain constructions that have been demolished is set – these cases may require local inspection at the place where the building or buildings were located, necessity that can be considered as required, but, most probably, the information to understand the characteristics of the building/buildings can also be obtained from the technical documentations specific to the appraised property.
Which are the documents I need to have an Assessing Property Valuation carried out?
The documentation required for the Expert Witness Report is set depending on the objective set by the court.
Usually, the documentary information related to the property deed on the building, the cadaster documentation, the Land Book report, Town Planning Certificate, are documents that usually are required to prepare the Expert Witness Report.